Wednesday 18 December 2013

Opening sequence evaluation

looked like a thriller but wasn't very clear on what was happening, who was the antagonist and protagonist.
A bit confusing what was the plot how does it all fit together.
Cutting was abrupt, some of the shots could of been cut down to get rid of camera shake.
Some more sound could of been used fill a blank.
More transitions were necessary to link it all together to make more sense of what is going on.
The train track scene was well used but could of done with more shots to establish what was going on.
The panning/establishing shot was well used with all of the colours of the sky and the steadiness of the camera.
Could of done with more "takes" on most of the shots because you could see the actors smiling and some shots felt as if they weren't as serious as they could have been.
The screaming sounded a bit extreem but worked well with the train in the background.

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