Friday 15 November 2013

Shot sounds.

Shot 1- Establishing shot

  • natural sounds (wind, trees, birds, water from fountain) 
  •  music- The dark Night soundtrack- Agent of chaos OR jokers theme song Hans Zimmer

Shot 2- Walking

  • Footsteps (recorded)
  • brushing of trousers/clothes
  • Background music
Shot 3- Men walking past

  • Footsteps (recorded)
  • Brushing of clothes
  • Voice 'I'm on my way'
  • Background music
Shot 4- Exchanging of the memory stick

  • Tense music picking up
Shot 5- Man walking out of the scene

  • Fading footsteps in the distance
  • Music
Shot 6- Man walking into room

  • Door opening/closing
  • music
  • wind of door opening
  • window shutters knocking
Shot 7- Man on computer

  • Background music
  • Typing on the keyboard
  • Sound of mouse 
Shot 8- Man backing things up on computer

  • Clicking of the mouse
  • Background music
Shot 9/10- Girl walking 

  • Sound of heels
  • Background music
Shot 11- Walking through double doors

  • Background music
  • Sound of heels
  • door opening
  • door shutting behind her
Shot 12- Man typing

  • Keyboard sounds
  • Background music
  • Sound of door slamming
Shot 13- Girl walking down corridor 

  • Footsteps of heels
  • Background music (tense)
Shot 14- Man typing

  • Background music (getting more tense)
  • Sound of footsteps
  • Quicker typing
Shot 15- Girl walking towards room

  • Heels footsteps
  • Music getting more tense and faster
  • Sound of the man typing quickly
Shot 16- Man typing 

  • Keyboard sounds getting faster and harder
  • Background music getting more tense and louder
  • sound of footsteps
Shot 17- Girl getting closer to the door

  • music getting more tense
  • sound of footsteps
  • sound of keyboard typing louder and faster
Shot 18- Man typing

  • Music getting louder creating tense atmosphere
  • Sound of nature in the background
  • sound of her footsteps
  • sound of his typing getting faster and louder
Shot 19- Girl opening door

  • Door handle opening
  • Background music getting faster and tenser 
  • sound of his typing speeding up
  • sound of footsteps and door opening
Shot 20- Papers dropping

  • Papers flying in wind
  • Background music calming down (a little)
Shot 21- Man typing

  • fast keyboard typing
  • Background music
Shot 22- Gathering papers

  • Papers being gathered together 
  • Background music
Shot 23/24- walking into the door

  • Sound of her footsteps walking through the door
  • music getting tenser creating an atmosphere
Shot 25- Empty Room

  • Background music calmed down
  • Natural sounds of the wind
  • Door closing behind her
Shot 26- Man 2 walking in the corridor

  • Calm background music
  • Footsteps
Shot 27- Title scenes

  • change to deep music 

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