Tuesday 12 November 2013

Target Audience for Psychological Thrillers.

Target Audience for Psychological Thrillers.

I believe that the recommended age for a psychological thriller is 15+. I believe this because of the psychological element about the film and that young teens and children will not understand the purpose of the film which is what the whole film is based on.

My five friends favorite elements of a psychological thriller are:

Nuno Constancia: My favorite element of a psychological thriller is the plot twist that normally happens within any good psychological thriller.

James Tilbury: I prefer the thriller elements which involve the fast pace action scenes.

Alistair Finlay: I agree with Nuno about the best element of a psychological thriller because the plot twist is normally the climax of the film.

Rory Malone: I enjoy the mystery that gets unfolded through the thriller.

Ali Abduali:  My favorite part is the criminal/villain character because they are always a step forward and seem more intelligent and are better equipped than the good guys until the end.

-Nathan Hardwick

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